Thursday 3 November 2011

Redundancy and Entropy.

Redundancy is something which is of a high predictability, For example , having then door held open for you, and then thanking the person for doing so , is highly predicted as most people say Thank you. For Communication's to work effectively , redundancy is necessary.
 Another example of high redundancy would be the fact that a racing driver is usually male. So the image below to the left is the more redundant than the one on the right.


The opposite to this is something called Entropy this is when its very different and it contains an unpredictable element.

For Example:  This cats with thumbs photo is entropy as its something which we wouldn't predict to happen.

My music Video ought to be in the middle of redundancy and entropy, as I don't want it to be completely Redundant as it would be too boring and too predictable , and I don't want it to look obvious what could happen next etc.. Although I wouldn't want it be to unpredictable - entropy either, because it will look far to Mis- matched , also the audience will be confused as nothing will link together.
 By having a little bit of each I believe it would work well.

We also have to consider our target audience, and what happens to be their culture, as different people have different cultures. So everyone's Redundant and Entropy views are going to be different. For example. I wouldn't see this everyday due to this isn't my culture, but for Muslims this could be very Redundant for them.

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