Saturday 17 December 2011

I decided to make a face book group, where I invited people from our target audience to comment on what they thought of my magazine advert and digipak. So I knew so far what they thought of the research which I was doing...

Here is some of the feedback which I got...

Claire stated:   The photography is really good and it definitely shows the folk genre, overall looks really cool, so it's definitely interesting.

Jasmine Stated: The various angles of the same object is interesting. It coooooooool. It has a folk genre style to it because I class an acoustic guitar to be quite a folk style instrument. I like the font style because it makes it relates more to the genre.

Samantha stated: It’s good. It’s not boring. Yes it’s interesting. I don’t know what a folk genre is. I would switch over the two bottom photos if I had to change anything but I still like it as it is. The rain drops are cool.

I am happy with the feedback which I got, I like the fact that everyone believes that it looks like a folk genre. Everyone said that they liked the way in which I took the photos of the guitar and that it looked acoustic this is really good, as the music video which we are going to make can be seen as acoustic folk.

Audience theory

Within our music video I would like to be able to get an effect across, which makes the reader feel connected to the video. This connection can be connected through emotion. Our music video gives off quite a sad emotion; this in a way could be negative as we don’t want the audience to associate folk music with a sad emotion all the time. This then could relate to how the bobo doll worked. The bobo doll was an experiment, which encouraged anger. Every time someone saw the doll they would get the sudden urge to punch it.

I would like everyone to have a preferred reading to the music video, if possible. Although there could be some people who take an oppositional reading to the video, this could be people who enjoy folk music, although they may not like the age range of who we are making the music video for.

For example - A 70 year old man who enjoys folk music, may not like the video which is made for the age range of 18 - 25 years old, which enjoy folk music too. It could therefore be too modern for the older man.

Performers and Casting

We have decided to use Juliette Webb as our actress. We think that her long blonde hair and her individual style would work really well within the music video for a folk genre. Juliette is also a reliable person, as she works at night, she is around in th day/afternoon time when we would need her most.

We have also decided to use Boris Finck, as he also has a individual look which would work well in the genre which we are producing our video for - folk. Boris will only be used a little within the music video and this will be at the end, located in Friar street.

Friday 16 December 2011

Costume and Props

We believe that in a folk, winter music video, it is always best for the female to have a bland look about her , eg: not a lot of makeup, plain and fresh faced. , this would then fit in well with the emotion which we want wihtin the video.

In our music video the emotion is sad and lonely; therefore we are not going to dress our actor/tress in bright colourful costumes when it then wouldnt fit in well with the emotion that we want to get across.

We believe the following items are what we are going to need in our music video:

Health and Safety.

Due to the two places that we want to film in - Friar street and a public field in hallow , they are both public places, therefore we don't need permission to film here.
The field in Hallow states this foorpath sign, which allows us access to be allowed within the field. As for Friar street, this is a public place in town where anyone is aloud to be.

Health and safety is important when filming, so I have decided to make a chart to show how we can resolve some of the risks that may occur...

Time Line

Thursday 15 December 2011

Story Board

shot list

Establishing shot
Long shot
Close up of the face
Close up of the face
Guitar shots , different parts of the guitar close up
Close up guitar
Close up guitar
Panning shot , when standing up
Panning when walking around the hills
Long shot from actress behind, staring at the hills
A dissolve or fade shot then as the actress is sat on the fence with her guitar, this is then a mid shot
We then go to a birds eye view shot of the actresses feet
Dissolving into another birds eye view of her feet yet in a different location, (friar street)
Panning the camera up her body from a good metre back
Camera once panned up the body , is then focused on the actresses face , with a close up shot
Dissolve onto a long shot
Tracking shot of the actress coming towards us
Mid long shot as the actress swings round the lamppost
Closeup shot as boy and actress come face to face
Dissolving into actress and boy sat in a bench , this is then a mid shot.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Digipak , more ideas.

Whilst making my digipak for my music video I have come across some new ideas which I have decided to try out...

I have decided to take some photos of a guitar as this senses a folk genre, I thought that it would be a good idea to try taking some photos and see what they look like.

I have also taken some photos of leaves although leaves can come across as being quite un original, I believe that the angle in which I have taken the leaves has made the images look more interesting.