Tuesday 27 September 2011

50 Cent: Candy shop Music Video Analysis...

Within this music video there are a lot of different shots for example, there are many shots which are lower than 50 cent, and looking up on to him. This could show that he is the main person within the music video as the camera is looking up towards him , it could show that he is higher up than everyone else.
There are also some shots which show 50 cent , surrounded by nice things, such as a nice , expensive car, along with a huge house which would of cost a lot of money, this then shows that he has money , and he is very independent, he does what he wants, when he wants.
The lighting which is used in the video, varies, although the main lighting is quite dark and dingy , which shows that the music is quite grimy. This then looks good , as 50 cent has got a very deep and grimy voice, the visuals then match well with the image of what he looks like.
The costume and make up connote that the girls in the music video like to look good, and that they take care of themselves to look good for 50 cent. This could then show that they are trying to impress him.
Close up shots are used when 50 cent is rapping, this could connote that he very powerful and believes in what he does, as he is rapping into the camera. Its almost like he si saying , this is me and this is what I do!

1) How do the visuals respond to the music?
The visuals respond well to what is being acted out in the video. For example , when the lyrics sing " I'm the love Doctor" A woman is then lay on the bed wearing a seductive nurses outfit. This is how the visuals have been fitted to the music, as he is almost acting out what he is saying.

2) To what extent does it follow a narrative?
Its like a dream because its slow motion and everything is perfect for the male , it is almost like a dream to him. At that moment in time nothing looks as if it could go wrong. He has nice clothes , a nice car and a nice house. It shows that he has made it. It also shows that he's independent , and all of this he is in control of, for example, the girls do whatever he wants them to do , and whenever he wants them to do it. Its as if he is the boss.

3) What kind of image is the star presenting?
The star is presenting a way in which , he looks very demanding , strong and powerful. He has no rules and he does what he wants. He also comes across as being very promiscuous , as he has girls all around him , in very little clothes. Although, on another hand , he then wakes up in his car at the end , in a fast food drive through, this then shows that its all a dream, and the the woman is on a higher level in the frame than the male, this may even suggest that woman are higher than men in this situation.

4) How are cinematography, mise en scene, editing used in the video - are there any significant features worthy of comment and why are they used?
The pace is really slow and it seems to zoom in and out on to the woman , there is a pace that is used. So you can get the full effect of what is going on in the mise en scene. The slow movements are used so you can fully connect with what is happening in the video. Its almost like the producer is trying to get across, that males are powerful creatures.

5) The video is amplified , as its how he see's candy, On one hand he states candy being woman in lingerie and on another it states general candy as she is blowing bubblegum. There are two different ways in which the word - candy , can be seen. Star image is also used as the male is brought very close to the camera in some aspects.

Overall we tend to get a vibe of the meaning of the song and the we tend to make up our own idea in our head or what story is being told within the music video. Some theorists, such as Goodwin, believe that music videos should ignore common narrative. As its important in their role of advertising.
The artists voice can be very unique, and we can then form identification in our heads, to what works well with the star image, Roland Barthes theory of the grain of voice can be related to this. He see's the singing voice as an expressive instrument and therefore able to make associations of its own.

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