Friday 21 October 2011

The Pitch to our music Video.

Through the week, we did something called a pitch; this is when we pitch all of our ideas onto something. I decided to pitch my ideas onto sugar as you can see below. By doing my pitch it has helped me and Emily decide what we really wanted to do for our music video. It has really made us think as we literally just jotted down all of our Ideas on to paper and then sketched what we thought.
We came up with plenty of different ideas, but straight away after listening to the song we know what the emotion was that went with our song. We thought that this emotion was sad and depressive. So the kind of things which we thought would go well were things such as,
- Working with Friar Street in Worcester, due to the fact that the buildings down this street are black and white and kind of home in over you, we thought that these looked quite dark and dingy. I thought that this is a creative idea as it’s different; it’s not just a normal brick building.
- We also thought that another creative Idea would be having a close-up of our actress crying with tears falling down her face. We thought that this would work well.
- We also thought that by getting shots of our actress, sat on a hill on her own, connotes that she is lonely , we also thought we would do this when it’s just getting dark.
- Another Idea that we had was for our actress to run her hands through her hair, so that she looks distraught.

In our feedback from showing our pitch, the majority of the people liked our ideas, they thought that our ideas were original and a lot of people commented on how they thought the black and white idea was really good. The majority of the people also said that when all of our ideas come together it will look good. One or two people out of the whole survey said that it wasn’t very original and that we need to make it more original. Overall we believed that our Ideas were thought of well.

We have had some very positive feedback from our audience:

"very achievable and well planned"

"very realistic , good idea for this type of music video"

"Since it is in January , it could be snowing. This would then enhance the mood of the song."

The quote about the snow, is realistic. This could happen in January, although we wouldn't be able to predict the snow, if it did snow , I believe that it would work really well within the music video as it would enhance the mood of the song.

The only negative point we had was " It may not be very original"

We do agree, as yes there are many videos which are going to be similar to ours. Although we are going to make sure that our music video stands out, and that the video is seen in a different light compared to other music videos.

We thought that our target audience was creative and worked well, for the age. Although we should have used more folk type images, as we based our target audience more on rock. We then decided that after our pitch, and after we looked back at some of the feedback that we hadn’t really got the genre right to fit our piece of music, that we had chosen.

We thought that we did well on our health and safety as we did go in depth for the do’s and don’ts when filming, using the camera, etc... Alot of people stated this, we also were creative of the way in which we showed our thoughts on health and safety, instead of just reading it off a PowerPoint or prezi, we stuck them on the board, just so that it was a bit different to everyone else’s.

Overall everyone thought that our idea was achievable and interesting and at the end of the day that is what we are happy with at the moment, we had good feedback overall which has helped us to expand our idea in a bigger and better way.

Our idea Sheet:

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Music Research 3: Breakeven , The script.

I have decided to analyse , Breakeven, By the script as my last video , for my reseach. I believe that this video is very similar to how I want mine to look at the end of the project.
The first thing that I will be anaylsing is the camera shots and movement, there are many different angles and shots used in this video such as, a closeup shot of the emotion on his face, when he is singing about " A heart never breaks even". This then represents the male as being emotional. We can tell he is finding it hard in this video, just by the expression on his face. We can also see that the girl who he used to be with he was obviously very passionate about her.

Another shot used is when there is a long shot of the male and the female sat in the sunset together. The female gets up and walks away. This connotes that she doesn't want to be sat with him and by the lyrics , " because shes moved on" , this then matches the visuals to the lyrics, its almost as if its telling a story , this could be seen as amplyfying.

Something else which suggests the emotion of this video isn't too good is the fact that the majority of the video is in black and white. This then shows a dull perspective on how the male and female get on now. Compared to when its all in colour when he is having flashbacks of them as a couple.

There are also many over the shoulder shots, as when the male is walking away , so is the female and its alomost like the are using the line of interaction to look back and forth at eachother. There is also an angle which is looking down on to the male , like in the Duffy video, it may be looking down on him because he's feeling sad.

The set varies, some of the set is outside and some is inside, where ever the male seems to be , he looks lonely and sad, unless he is with the female. The lighting is also very dark , which we could then link back to the emotions. We could also link it to one pacific line in the lyrics. The mmale sings, " Im falling to pieces" , The dark colours and the dark atmosphere may indicate that he is starting to crumble and that he can't take anymore.

The music Video seems to me that it is telling a story, about the male and the female breaking up , once again these lyrics link very well to the illusrated images which we come acorss within the music video.

Music research 2: Warwick avenue - Duffy.

The video starts very dark and clouded, with rain spitted on the car window, this may connote that the music video, has a sad emotion rather than a happy emotion.
With a closeup shot the camera then concentrates on the star - Duffy's face. By the expression used on her face, she looks unhappy and fed up.
We then have a short blackout which sticks for about two secounds, this then slightly confuses us, the producer may want us to feel confused, as that may be how Duffy is feeling.
For quite a lot of the video the camera is used by a hand held shot , this is to get the feeling that Duffy is sat in the car as its moving.
As Duffys eyes are filling up with tears this then could display woman as emotional and sensitive.
Throughtout the music video she sings many different lyrics , they all match to what she is doing... e.g the line , " you hurt me bad " , she was obviously hurt by someone and whilst singing that shes crying, this then shows that the visuals do match along side the lyrics.
The colours used in the music video and all very bland, there isn't any happy bubbly colours, they are all plain and very bland.
Half way through the music video a camera shot is used to look down on Duffy as she reaches in her bag for a tissue. This may connote that because the camera is looking down on her that she is feeling down , eg. feeling low and fed up.

1)How do the visuals respond to the music?
The lyrics match well to what is being acted out in the music video, the lyrics which Duffy sings are sad and emotional , some people may see them as even hurtful. It matches well as she looks upset about what she is singing about.

2) To what extent does it follow a narrative?
The story is pretty simple, we can already see that this is about a young woman , who has been hurt due to love , it seems like it could of been a breakup, due to what is said within the lyrics. It also may show that females are not very strong emotionally as she is crying , most of the way through the video.

3) What kind of image is the star presenting?
The star is presenting an Image in which she is sensitive and emotional. It also shows that she is lonely , as she is singing to herself, she is also the only person in the video.

This is overall quite a boring music video, there isn't much to analyse as there isn't much going on, If I were to remake this music video, I would put in more movement. To make sure that the audience is still intrested in watching it.